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Showing posts from December, 2021

Cole World

D ear baby boy,   Or Cole, or Myles, or basically any underlying dreams that I have yet to be in tune with.   I had just found out about you today, and I'm not really quite sure how to react.   I guess I'm still in denial that God works so mysteriously and yet so clearly.   How? How would I have known that it was out of place and that a few weeks ago we were in a decent place? I mean decent enough to conjure you here to me.   I guess this was his way of telling me that it wasn't going to last, or maybe I am being punished because I am trying too hard to love someone who can't see into my soul?   I knew something was off, I knew it in the pit of my stomach that I was feeling off, but in a good way. I started smiling again, I started laughing again, I even started to fall for your daddy slowly and yet all so suddenly.   However, as they like to call "Women's intuition" I knew that there was a disconnect between us, happening all over again.   Was it this new


 H ey everyone! I know it's been a few weeks since my last update. I have been getting my scheduling and personal affairs in order for the new year coming. I also have been going through a new phase in my life that has shown its difficulties. I've been getting some new content for the new year and hopefully some submissions for contests in 2022. Feedback is appreciated if you enjoy what you read. I hope you all had a lovely holiday and that the new year to come is everything you dream of. In case some of you have a hard time during the holidays, whether it be depression, missing someone, family issues, or grieving a loss, just know that it gets better. Remember to cherish the ones you have and hold them close while you're lucky enough to still have them. Wherever you are in life, know that you are always loved. Love is the best thing we do, and when we do it right, magic happens. Happy Holidays!

Think of Me

W hen reality kicks in, and you find yourself waking up alone again, please don't roll over and go back to sleep. No, that is too easy. Make sure you wake up and bask in the emptiness of where my body used to lay. Take in the coldness of the bed. Grasp the moment you realize I am no longer there to wrap your cold, oh so very cold feet up against mine. Or how about you linger on the fact that you'll never wake up to my face and embrace again. No, you see the thing is, if you fall back asleep, you win. You get to live the pretend life, and then you get to lay your head and rest. And when you dream, well, you get to see yourself every night in your truest form, from the deepest desire of your subconscious, but in reality, I'm not around to see. Then you wake up again.

Updates / Holidays

B eautiful afternoon to you all, I seemed to accidentally delete my blog last night and tried to get it up and restarted again. Sorry for the delay and confusion if you tried to find my previous one. I will be trying to connect soon with some of my pieces. however, trying to get 10+ years of writing into one place has shown its challenges. From handwritten short stories to old Tumblr accounts with poetry from heartache in high school, it's been a process going through and selecting the most promising work. I will be keeping you all updated as the week goes on. I just wanted to touch base with anyone reading who's having a pretty rough time throughout the holidays, or even winter in general. December is a rough time for a lot of people's peace, whether financially, mentally, or physically. If anyone is needing a helping hand that they are not getting, or are too scared to get, this page offers validation and strength to get you through whatever you need. This time of year is

Upcoming Stories

G reat news, Starting January there will be a weekly short story submitted to help get you through the rest of the gloomy winter. I will start off with some unshared pieces, but once we get settled, I can take requests or suggestions. - Stay safe and warm. 


H ey everyone, I just wanted to connect my previous platform of writing on Wattpad here to my blog so I don't have to start from scratch. If you are interested in reading some of my previous pieces the last few years, please check out my Wattpad page below! Click Here - Cheers.